Article requirements

Articles should be submitted no later than 15 May, via conference email:

Each article will be reviewed by reviewers assigned by organizational committee. All accepted articles will be published in Conference proceedings, the authors of the best articles will be offered to publish their extended articles in regional scientific journal Economics.

Note: Publishing priority will be given to the articles of the participants.

Language: English.

Article length: 7 – 13 pages (16000 to 30000 characters with spaces).

Structure – The headline of the article is required to contain the following information: name (s), surname (s) of author (s), scientific degree, name of scientific institution, address, phone, e-mail address. The main part of article has to be prepared according to requirements of scientific articles: at the beginning (in italic) annotation of the article has to be presented, i.e. purposes of research described, the main guidelines of research performed and results; main words (not more than five). The major part of the article should begin with preface (by describing the relevance of the topic, object, purpose and problems of the article) and can be divided into smaller sections; then summarised research results, conclusions, quoted literature.

Technical format of the article

Text is prepared using Microsoft Word (version Word‘2000 or later), fonts – Times New Roman;
Margins: up and down – 20 mm, left – 35 mm, right – 15 mm;
Title – 14pt, Bold, capital letters, centred;
Name (s), surname (s) of author (s), scientific degree, name of scientific institution, address, phone, e-mail address – 12pt, Bold, aligned left;
Section (part) titles – 12pt, Bold, aligned to the left side; space between the name of the sections (parts) and text – one empty row;
Text of the article – 12pt, Normal, 1,5 line spacing aligned to the left and right side;
Titles “Literature” and “Summary” – 12pt, Bold, aligned to the left side;
Annotations, references and summary text – 12pt, Normal, 1,5 line spacing, aligned to the left and right side;
Main symbols of formulas – 10pt, Italic, their indexes – 8pt, Italic; formulas are centered and numbered on the right side by Arabic numerals in parentheses; space between formulas and text – one empty row;
Titles of tables and pictures – 12pt, Bold, aligned to the left side; space between tables, pictures and text – one empty row; visual elements are drawn using Microsoft Excel (version Excel‘2000 or later);
Text of tables and comments under pictures and tables – 12pt, Normal, single spacing, aligned to the left side;
References to resources and literature used are presented in parentheses, giving the name, surname of the author also the years of publishing, for example, (Kohonen, 2001; Tyugu, 1998);
Numbered list of references and quoted literature is presented at the end of the article just before the summary in the alphabetic order according to the APA bibliographic reference standards. For example:

1. Lavingne, M. (1995). The Economics of Transition: From Socialist Economy to Market Economy – London, Macmillan Press, 295 p.

2. Olsen, T. E., Osmundsen, P. (2003), Spillovers and International Competition for Investments. Journal of International Economics, Vol. 59, issue 1, p. 211–238.